Policy objectives


Policy objective ECO1.1

Promote stable growth through responsible fiscal, and a counter-cyclical monetary policy targeting stability in inflation

Indicator ECO1.1.1

Change in underlying inflation rate (CPI analysis)
  • Indicator status Reported online

Indicator ECO1.1.2

GDP Growth Rate (annual/trends)
  • Indicator status Reported online

Policy objective ECO1.2

Improve government revenue generation

Indicator ECO1.2.1

Change in government revenue (GFS Tables)
  • Indicator status Reported online

Policy objective ECO1.3

Ensure public debt is sustainably managed and finances are directed towards projects with positive economic returns

Indicator ECO1.3.1

Indicator ECO1.3.2

Debt ratio to GDP (inclusive of SOE generated debt)
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources

Policy objective ECO1.4

Increase trade and investment opportunities and reduce barriers, including through the use of Aid-for-Trade

Indicator ECO1.4.1

Value and volume of national trade/merchandise trade
  • Indicator status Reported online

Indicator ECO1.4.2

Current Accounts balance change
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources

Policy objective ECO1.5

Increase access to markets for Vanuatu exports

Indicator ECO1.5.1

Benefits/value accrued through various trade agreements
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources

Indicator ECO1.5.2

Trade by trade agreement (value)
  • Indicator status Reported online

Indicator ECO1.5.3

Balance of trade by major partner countries
  • Indicator status Reported online

Policy objective ECO1.6

Require all new trade agreements to demonstrate tangible benefits in the national interest

Indicator ECO1.6.1

Trade agreement analysis reports
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources

Indicator ECO1.6.2

Policy objective ECO1.7

Stimulate economic diversification to spread the benefits of growth and increase economic stability

Indicator ECO1.7.1

Indicator ECO1.7.2

Change in volume of business licenses issued to Ni-Vanuatu
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources

Policy objective ECO1.8

Ensure financial sector stability and make financial services affordable and accessible for all through pursuing financial inclusion strategies

Indicator ECO1.8.2

Interest Rate level (average bank rate)
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources

Indicator ECO1.8.3

Deposit ratios
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources

Policy objective ECO1.9

Promote financial literacy and consumer empowerment
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