(Net Operating Balance (surplus)) The actual change in the annual budget surplus in 2021 is approximately -211.76% of the target increase of 15% by 2030. This indicates that the budget surplus is not progressing positively towards the target, and significant improvements are needed to ensure the target is met by 2030.

(Net Operating Balance Excluding Donors (deficit)) The actual change in the annual budget position excluding donor contributions in 2021 is approximately 85.1% towards the target increase of 15% by 2030. This suggests that the budget position is progressing positively towards the target, but further improvements are needed to ensure the target is met by 2030.

Change in national budget position in surplus by 2030 increase by 30 %: 2021 - Cloudy

Change in national budget position in deficit by 2030 increase by 30 %: 2021 - progress.partsunny


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This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from Vanuatu statistics closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from Vanuatuan statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other Vanuatu-specific metadata information.

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