Policy objectives


Policy objective SOC3.1

Ensure that the population of Vanuatu has equitable access to affordable, quality health care through the fair distribution of facilities that are suitably resourced and equipped

Indicator SOC3.1.1

Number of skilled health professionals to 10,000 population
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources

Indicator SOC3.1.2

Maternal mortality ratio/Number of maternal deaths
  • Indicator status Reported online

Indicator SOC3.1.3

Policy objective SOC3.2

Reduced the incidence of communicable and non-communicable diseases

Indicator SOC3.2.1

No. of Diabetic (NCD) related amputations
  • Indicator status Reported online

Indicator SOC3.2.2

Incidence of TB (per 100,000 population)
  • Indicator status Reported online

Indicator SOC3.2.3

Malaria annual parasite incidence rate
  • Indicator status Reported online

Policy objective SOC3.3

Promote healthy lifestyle choices and health seeking behaviour to improve population health and well-being

Indicator SOC3.3.2

Prevalence of obesity in adult population
  • Indicator status Reported online

Indicator SOC3.3.3

Under 5 mortality rate
  • Indicator status Reported online

Policy objective SOC3.4

Build health sector management capacity and systems to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of quality services that are aligned with national directives

Indicator SOC3.4.2

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