Policy objectives


Policy objective SOC6.1

Enhance the capacity and accountability of public officials, and ensure the impartiality and effectiveness of performance management systems

Indicator SOC6.1.1

Reduction in annual Employment Disciplinary Board decisions
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources

Indicator SOC6.1.3

Reduction in level of subsidies/grants to SOEs
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources

Policy objective SOC6.2

Reform State Owned Enterprises and statutory bodies to improve performance that is aligned to government priorities

Policy objective SOC6.3

Enact political reforms that promote stability, accountability, constituency representation and civic engagement

Indicator SOC6.3.1

Indicator SOC6.3.3

Number of MPs submitting annual financial accountability report
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources

Policy objective SOC6.4

Strengthen national institutions to ensure that are cost-effective and well-resourced to deliver quality public services

Indicator SOC6.4.1

Proportion of BP objectives met as reported in department ARs
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources

Policy objective SOC6.5

Strengthen local authorities and municipal institutions to enable decentralised service delivery

Policy objective SOC6.6

Strengthen physical planning and management to meet the service delivery needs of a growing population

Indicator SOC6.6.1

Policy objective SOC6.7

Guarantee the public’s right to information

Policy objective SOC6.8

Coordinate donor resources to align with national objectives

Indicator SOC6.8.1

Indicator SOC6.8.2

Indicator SOC6.8.3

Policy objective SOC6.9

Strengthen research, data and statistics for accountability and decision-making

Indicator SOC6.9.1

NSDP data reviewed annually
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources

Indicator SOC6.9.2

Percentage of NSDS strategic objectives achieved
  • Indicator status Exploring data sources
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